Press the Import button and select the face of your PC you've saved before.Open the NPC details window again and go to the Character Gen Parts tab as shown in picture Importing an existing face.npc (in the example, it will create a file called MyPC.npc). This will save a file in the Skyrim main folder with the name you've typed + the extension.

Open the console and type spf + the name of the file where you want the face to be stored (for example, spf MyPC).Launch the game and load a savegame of the character whose face you want to use.I've decided to use the face of one of my player characters for my follower, to do this: Use the face of your player character for the NPC Now look for the NPC you've just created, and double click on it to open the NPC details window again.Press the OK button, the CK will ask you if you want to create a new form: answer Yes.Change the NPC ID, Name and Short Name (the fields at the top left of the window) and type new values for your follower.Double click on the selected NPC and a window will pop-up like the one shown in picture Importing an existing face.In the Object window expand the menu Actor and choose any of the existing NPCs.So, we are going to use an existing NPC as a template for creating the new one. The easiest way for adding new content, including new characters, for Skyrim with the Creation Kit is to copy an existing object and that is what we are going to do in this tutorial. Create the follower - player relationship.The main steps for adding a follower to Skyrim are: